How do I invite investors to my Syndicate?


Inviting investors to your syndicate with a private invite link or email adds them to your overall LP network that you can then invite to specific SPVs (deals). It also ensures that they are attributed to you as the GP, rather than AngelList. You have 2 ways to invite LPs:

  • V​ia Email [Recommended]
    • You enter email addresses of LPs and AngelList sends them a formal email invitation. The LP can then accept the invite and is automatically added to the syndicate. The LP is not required to pass the AngelList Investor Application, and you will not need to review their application.
  • V​ia Private Link
    • You can share your private invite link with LPs via whatever method you choose (email, text, etc). This link takes the LP to the syndicate profile page where they can click to apply to back the syndicate. The LP must pass the AngelList Investor Application to back the syndicate, and the GP must review the LP's application and approve/reject it. 

Both methods will attribute LPs to you.


E​mail Invites [Recommended]

  • Enter LP email addresses and invite
  • L​P receives email with button to accept invite.
  • I​f they click accept, they're automatically added to the syndicate.

We recommend you invite LPs via email, as it's a much faster experience. The LP does not need to take time filling out an investor application (which is only needed for broad access to syndicates), they don't need to wait to be approved, and they don't have to wait for you to review their application and accept them.


H​ow to invite LPs via Email Invites

  1. N​avigate to the Invite Tab of your LP Network page
  2. C​lick Email Invite Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 5.15.41 PM.png
  3. Enter email addresses and a message (optional) to be included in the email to the LP
  4. You can also set defaults for:
    1. C​arry
    2. V​aluation Visibility
    3. P​rivate Tags and Notes
  5. Choose to invite to all raising SPVs or to your venture fund (if applicable)

Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 5.17.01 PM.png


LPs will receive an email that looks like this:

Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 5.21.17 PM.png


I​nvite Link

You can also choose to copy an invite link to send it to LPs yourself. The process looks like this:

  • Send to LPs
  • LPs are then taken to your syndicate profile page
    • They click Apply
    • If they have not yet passed the AngelList Investor Application, they'll need to fill that out and wait to be approved (generally within 1 business day).

We recommend using invite links only when sharing with a group of your investors, or with investors for whom you don't have email address. Investors who click the link will need to spend time filling out an investor application (which is only needed for broad access to syndicates), waiting to be approved (most investors are approved within 1 business day), and then for you to review their application and accept them.  As a reminder, you should only share invite links with LPs with whom you have a prior substantive existing relationship in order to comply with securities laws.


H​ow to invite LPs via Invite link

  • N​avigate to the Invite Tab of the LP Network section
  • C​lick on the public invite link


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