The Deal Partners feature allows GPs to share carry on Venture Fund deals with individuals who provide assistance and expertise in identifying, assessing, and negotiating the deal.
You can add deal partner(s) to any approved fund investment. Enter the name and email address of the person in question, as well as how much carry you'd like to share with them. The recipient (deal partner) receives an email with a link to a flow where they can accept the carry.
Once an invite is sent to a deal partner, they have 2 weeks to accept the agreement, and we follow up with reminders every 3 days. Once a deal partner has accepted the invite, you have 2 weeks to confirm or cancel the agreement– if you take no action after 2 weeks, we will auto-confirm the agreement.
You can view carry share recipients are on a given investment, as well as how much carry you've allocated to them and any accompanying documents.
To set up a carry sharing agreement for a Venture fund deal, click on the ellipses at the end of the row for any investment on your Venture Fund Investments page and select “Share Carry.”
A module will appear where you can input the name of the deal partner you wish to share carry with, as well as the percentage of carry you wish to share. You must assert that you are sharing carry just for sourcing, and that you have the authority to share carry with this deal partner.
Your recipient must have an AngelList account to view the page; so they'll need to sign up if they don't already have an account. The link will take the user to a page where they'll see a few details about the deal, how much carry they'll be receiving, and the option to accept or reject the invitation.
If they accept the invitation, they must choose from an existing investing entity or create a new one and provide details. Note that the individual will undergo identity verification and may be asked to upload a government ID or provide additional information about their investing entity, if applicable.
You will be notified via email whether the recipient has accepted or rejected your invitation. If they accept, you'll be asked to confirm the carry share. You have 2 weeks to confirm or cancel the agreement– after 2 weeks, we'll auto-confirm the agreement if you have not taken action. You can also finalize a carry share within the deal dashboard, in the same area where you added the recipient.
After clicking "Finalize" you'll see the following modal:
If you'd like to cancel the carry share agreement, you can do that by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the deal partner's name and clicking "Remove Deal Partner."
Once you finalize a carry share agreement, you cannot cancel it without consent from each of the parties. If you need to cancel an agreement that has been finalized, please reach out to