How do / should I use invite links? What does an LP see?


Sending personalized invites through your Deal Dashboard is still the most secure way to invite LPs, as each LP receives a personalized invitation with a URL that cannot be opened by anyone else. You can set custom minimums, maximums, and carry when sending personalized invitations.

Custom invite links are inherently less secure since they are not restricted to a single LP. When using custom invite links, we recommend sending restricted links whenever possible.

All LP invite links ensure that an LP is attributed to you instead of AngelList.

To create a custom invite link, scroll to the bottom of the Invite LPs tab and click the "Create Invite Link" button.



You must select a minimum investment amount for LPs, and you can additionally set a maximum investment amount if you'd like. You can also adjust your carry from the default or waive carry for a specific invite.


You can manage custom invite links from your GP Dashboard. You can create custom subscription amounts and periods as well as different carry and management fees per link. Just click the "LP Invite Link" button to get started. Creating a new link will not change your fund's default minimums and terms.

If you want to change your fund defaults, you can edit your default link in the same modal.

Please note, “General Solicitation” of a deal is not permitted for standard SPVs on the AngelList Platform. Please contact your Venture Capital Associate for additional information.


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