All deals will include the following information:
- Deck
- Created by the company– an overview of the business and related metrics
- Deal Memo
- A write-up from the lead on why they believe this is a good investment
- Co-Investors
- List of other investors investing in this round
- Past Financing
- Financing this company has received during previous rounds or in the past.
- Risks and Disclaimers
- The risks related to this specific company/investment.
- Round
- Whether you're investing at pre-seed, seed, series A, series B, etc.
- Instrument
- Whether you're investing via SAFE, Equity, or Convertible Note
- Discount
- Pro Rata Rights Included?
- Allocation
- Syndicate Lead's Investment
- How much the lead is investing into the syndicate
- Total Carry
- The carry (% of profits) the lead will take on your investment
- Closing Docs
You can see all of this information in the righthand sidebar on the deal page. Here's an example: