All investors must be accredited investors to invest on AngelList
To gain access to broadly browse and apply to Syndicates hosted on AngelList, we require investors to submit and pass our AngelList Investor Application. The process is intended to gather an understanding of an investor's investment history and their general knowledge of startups and venture, so that we can ensure deal-by-deal investing is a good option for the investor.
The application covers the following:
- Previous investment and work history
- How much the investor plans to invest in venture
- An investor's accreditation status
Do all investors need to pass the AngelList Investor Application?
No. A Lead may invite investors with whom they have a pre-existing substantive relationship to invest in a fund or a specific SPV deal, and such investors do not need to pass the AngelList Investor Application.
Only investors who are looking to broadly browse and apply to Syndicates must pass the AngelList Investor Application.
You can access the investor application here.
Do investors need to pass the AngelList Investor Application to back my syndicate?
Depending on how you invite an LP to your syndicate, they may need to pass the Investor Application first. LPs who receive a link to your syndicate will need to pass the application, but LPs invited via email do not need to.