To transfer your investments from one entity to another, begin by submitting the required details through the Transfer Request Form. If you’re acting on behalf of someone else, make sure you have the appropriate permissions. Specifically, you’ll need “Decider” access to create the request and “Signatory” access to submit and sign it. These permissions can be updated by the primary account owner on your Team Members page.
Once your request is submitted, our team will review the provided information and reach out to the individual(s) involved to gather any additional details, such as KYC (Know Your Customer) verification, accreditation documents, or tax-related information for both the Transferor and Transferee entities. The displayed transfer agreement is considered a draft until signed by all relevant parties. If necessary, we may circulate a revised agreement for signatures.
If you’d like to transfer a partial position (e.g., 50%), the form allows you to specify a custom percentage of your investment to transfer to the recipient. Simply input the desired percentage when prompted during the submission process. Afterward, you can follow the rest of the prompts to e-sign and submit the transfer request.
The transfer process generally takes a few weeks to complete, depending on factors like Lead approval or the time needed to provide missing details.